Mechanobiology Institute & Department of Biomedical Engineering
National University of Singapore
Our Microscopes

Nikon Eclipse Ti-E Inverted Microscope
Nikon Eclipse Ti -E with Perfect Focus, Motorized TIRF Illuminator, calibrated for VIAFLIC/SAIM Surface-generated structured illumination microscopy
Omicron fiber-coupled laser combiner: 50 mW 488 nm, 60 mW 561 nm
OkoLab Temperature, Humidity, CO2 controller for Live cell imaging
Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 sCMOS camera
Lumencor SOLA for Epifluorescence excitation
Cairn OptoLED for Diascopic illumination
Objective Lenses: 60X NA 1.49 Apo TIRF, 60 X NA1.2 WI, 100X NA 1.45 Plan Apo, 40X NA 1.3 Plan Fluor, 20X NA 0.45 ELWD, 20X NA 0.75
Nikon NIS-Elements
Application: Immunofluorescence Microscopy, Interference Reflectance Microscopy (IRM), VIAFLIC/SAIM Superresolution Microscopy, FRET Microscopy, Fluorescence Speckle Microscopy, Live cell DIC/Phase-contrast/epifluorescence microscopy.
Read about our implementation of VIAFLIC/SAIM (SI Methods) in Liu et al., PNAS 2015
Also check out the state-of-the-art microscopes at MBI core facilities http://microscopy.mechanobio.info/
iPALM 3D-Superresolution Microscope see also iPALM page
For theoretical foundations and detailed construction/operation/calibration info, see Shtengel et al PNAS 2009, Shtengel et al Methods. Cell Biol. 2014
See our JoVE video article on using the iPALM
Dual-opposed Nikon 60X NA 1.49 Apo TIRF objective lenses
Custom 3-way Hess multiphase beamsplitter (Rocky Mountain Instrument)
Custom-machined Invar Chassis and Mountings
Piezo Controllers: Physik Instrument & Newport (Picomotors)
Servo Controllers: ThorLabs
Optomechanical Components: Newport, ThorLabs, & Melles Griot
Filters and Custom Notch Mirror: Semrock & Reynard Corp.
3 EMCCD (Andor Ixon Ultra)
Coherent Lasers: Cube 405 nm, 100 mW; Sapphire 488 nm , 200 mW; Sapphire 561 nm 200 mW; Obis 642 nm, 100 mW.
Control PCs: 4 Dell with Intel i5 processor with LabVIEW 2010 on Windows 7 Enterprise.
On-site Image Processing Workstations (2): Intel Xeon with 32 threads & 192 GB memory.
MBI Linux Computing clusters (2): 24-Nodes Xeon Cluster & 256 GB memory and 11-Node PBS cluster